Site notice
TEDi GmbH & Co. KG
Brackeler Hellweg 301
44309 Dortmund
Telefon: +49 0231 55577-0
Telefax: +49 0231 55577-5999
TEDi Targovia na drebno EOOD
Delta Center, room 206
Okolovrasten Pat St. 251
BG - 1766 Sofia
Telephone: +359 2 9070030
UIC 207002290
TEDi Targovia na drebno EOOD is represented by the following executive staff:
Mr. Miroslaw Huczek,
Mr. Dimitar Spassov
Equal Treatment clause
Gender-specific differentiation is omitted within the contents of this website to ensure easier legibility. Corresponding terms apply to both genders in the spirit of equality of treatment.
Linked content/disclaimer
In case of direct or indirect links to websites for which TEDi Targovia na drebno EOOD (hereinafter referred to as "TEDi") is not responsible, TEDi cannot be held liable unless TEDi is aware of the contents and would be able to prevent their use in the event that the contents are of an illegal nature.
TEDi hereby explicitly states that no illegal contents were discerned on the linked webpages at the time the link was created. TEDi has no influence over the current and future layout, contents or authorship of the linked webpages. Accordingly, TEDi hereby explicitly distances itself from all contents of all linked webpages which have been modified subsequently to the creation of the link.
This statement applies to all links within TEDi's own website as well as entries made by third parties in TEDi's guest books, discussion forums and mailing lists. Any illegal, incorrect or incomplete contents and, in particular, damages resulting from the use or non-use of such published information, are under the sole liability of the party providing the linked website and not the party linking to these published contents.
Copyright/ancillary copyright
The contents, works and information published on this website are subject to German copyright law and ancillary copyright law. They may not be duplicated, edited, distributed, stored or processed, including in electronic systems, nor may they be utilised beyond the confines of copyright law without prior written permission from the right holder. The unauthorised use of the contents and information provided on this website in the aforementioned scope is prohibited and subject to penalty.
We endeavour to resolve any potentially disagreements with regard to the purchasing of our products amicably. Beyond this, we are not obligated to participate in any arbitration proceedings and unfortunately cannot offer you participation in any such proceedings either.
Photo credits
Use under license of
Feng Yu
Sergey Niven