Vacancies at TEDi

Since we're continuously expanding, we're always recruiting new employees. If you're committed, flexible and disciplined, you belong at TEDi. Thanks to flat hierarchies and opportunities for rapid advancement, we're able to offer the kind of career opportunities seldom seen in retail any more.

Since digital application documents are easier to process and allow us to respond to applicants more quickly, we ask that you please use our online application form.

We are currently hiring in the following areas:

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Job title
Form of employment
Job title: Speculative application Division: Speculative application
Job title: Продавач-консултант, The Mall Division: Продажби (в цялата страна) Activity: Distribution Form of employment: Full-time
Job title: ОПЕРАТИВЕН СЧЕТОВОДИТЕЛ Division: Централни отдели Activity: Finance Form of employment: Full-time